2011 is Disappearing Below the Horizon: what a year!

Sunset in Lisbon (borrowed from a relative)

Farewell 2011!

In January I dared presenting my forecast for the year and in February I foresaw that this year would “be a fiery blogging year!” and by Jove it was!

Politically speaking, we had a surprising year: Bin Laden was found and scythed from the face of the earth; Gilad Shalit came back home; tyrant leaders in Muslim nations were confronted with the wrath of the People; Gaddafi expired; the West no longer fears China (now it sees it for what it really is: an investment and investor); Syria entered the threshold of change; Palestine tried to circumvent agreements and basically failed (thus, teaching us all a great lesson: honour your agreements and when you’re the weakest link, be humble); Iran began to slide and it hints that Ahmadinejad’s days are numbered; India’s people showed their resolve in fighting corruption; Brazil’s economic bubble began to burst; South Africa’s President expelled a disenchanted member of his party (and a possible successor); Russia is breaking the Putin-Spell; President Sarkozy revealed the world his lack of class (by trying to insult a leader of a sovereign country) and the Eurozone realised that Europe desperately needs a “change we can believe in”...etc etc.

Unlike the media, I will not give emphasis to the “Occupy X” Movements because, generally speaking, I am suspicious of their real motives and agenda.

2011 witnessed some loving moments: the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge got married as did the Prince of Monaco & Her Serene Highness (perhaps too serene but with an excellent sense of style & fashion). I’d mention that Kardashian girl, but I do not have much patience for people who marry for the sake of marrying and then divorce at the end of 72 days.

2011 saw Portugal sacking the socialists and electing a proper right wing government that managed to reduce our 9.1% deficit to 4%, in 6 months alone. Many Portuguese are crying, as if they were professional mourners, because the government cut subsidies; it reduced unemployment benefits, it increased taxes; it increased working hours by 30 minutes (in the private sector); it removed 4 bank holidays (2 religious and 2 secular) off the calendar; it froze salaries (in the public sector) and, because it sold its share in EDP (Electricity of Portugal) to the Chinese who paid 50% more than its worth.

The whining Portuguese seem to have forgotten that the majority of the Lusitanian electorate sanctioned these austerity measures the day they elected the new government (since most of these measures were included in the Campaign Programme of the Social-Democrat Party).

It was a very interesting year indeed: the globe underwent a profound change (promising destruction of the old) that warns us about the advent of a new Era.

My dear friends and loyal readers, I would like to thank you for having read & spread my thoughts. I hope our friendship and interaction continues to grow in the coming year: it will be an honour to step into the new world order with you.

Happy 2012!


  1. Happy New Year Max!
    After reading your summation of this past year, I am reminded of how drastically things can change in a year. I'm interested to see what 2012 will bring!

  2. Happy New Year, D! :D

    It is amazing how change can just pop up just like that *snapping fingers*!

    "I'm interested to see what 2012 will bring!"

    Oh, so am I...so am I :D!

    My darling, thank you for a marvellous interaction :D.


  3. Less than a year now until the world ends Dec 21 2012! Cheers!

  4. Hi Vid :D!

    LOL LOL are you superstitious now? LOL...

    It was said, this year, that the world would end by the end of October, and yet here we are still talking lol *nodding*.

    Vid, I wish you a Happy New Year and the best of luck to your rotary exchange programme :).


  5. Max, you are amazing to remember all that! I would have only come up with two or three things. The one really important missing item was that the speed of light was broken by neutrinos. Yeah!

  6. Max, you didn't include the dear Leader's death (Kim Jong-il): his mourners are incredible. Are they really in pain or is it drama?
    Yeah, a lot of things happened this year and I also think it all foretells the advent of a new era but let's wait and see what 2012 will bring us.

    I wish you a happy new year, and I hope 2012 brings you spunkier than ever ahahaha...

  7. Max, you did great! Your thoughts in posts have been outstanding. And I don't know how you did it. My dear friend, I am so honored to be part of your circle. I may not be that active anymore in blogging, but I am still around. Wishing you lots of new information for the new year 2012, in addition to happy one, loving one, healthy one, and peaceful one too. All the best to yours and your family! Anna :) and Matthew with lots of hugs.

  8. Max... tendre force.
    Il se passe tant de chose en une année, qu'il est difficile de faire le tour de ce monde...

    L'équilibre des joies et des peines à vivre pour être acceptable, est-il respecté?

    Il me semble que la balance est plombée du côté de la souffrance et qu'il nous faudra beaucoup de force et de courage pour entrainer ce courrant du côté de la lumière.

    Que 2012 vive...mieux encore, même si nous devons fracasser des idéaux

  9. Hi Max,

    Nice photo. Can you believe the end (of the year) is here? Where did it go?

    It's been a whirlwind for sure. "Gaddafi expired," so colorful.

    "I will not give emphasis to the “Occupy X” Movements because, generally speaking, I am suspicious of their real motives and agenda."

    Agreed! Now they are trying to make film about it which will make them capitalists. Go figure.

    "I’d mention that Kardashian girl, but I do not have much patience for people who marry for the sake of marrying and then divorce at the end of 72 days."

    It will be a holy day when I don't have to hear that name again.

    Max, I wish you a healthy and magnificent new year. May your thoughts gather the leaves of politics and examine them with a jeweler's eye. It is always a pleasure to read such profound words.

    Here's to a great 2012 and beyond!

    Cin Cin Cheers!

  10. Max:

    You are so right. Going, going gone! 2011 passes into the ages. I will miss it, of course, for many good things happened to us this year.

    The next to the top of our good-things list is that our youngest daughter was married in Canada. It was a beautiful wedding, and the Canadian scenery was breathtaking. I am sad that she's gone, but she is happy, and that's a good thing.

    The top thing on our good-things list is that the Queen and I are still here. Yeah! I actually got to spend another year with the Queen of the Universe. How good is that? I tell you, life just keeps getting better and better.

    Take care of yourself Max.

    Happy trails.

  11. I personally and India in general have had a tumultuous year too. I have blogged about almost all the things that mattered.

    I have enjoyed reading your posts and commenting on them. I have enjoyed your responses to my comments even more.

    I look forward to continuing in the same vain.

    A very happy 2012 to you too.

  12. Hi Looney :D!

    "Max, you are amazing to remember all that! I would have only come up with two or three things."

    Not at all: I made notes all year round specially for this post; otherwise I would've only come up with a couple of things as well... ;)

    "The one really important missing item was that the speed of light was broken by neutrinos. Yeah!"

    Really? I didn't know that...pardon my ignorance, but what does it mean exactly?

    Looney, it was a pleasure to interact with you in 2011 (thank you) and I am counting on you as well to have a fab 2012 :D.


  13. Hi Ana :D!

    "Max, you didn't include the dear Leader's death (Kim Jong-il): his mourners are incredible. Are they really in pain or is it drama?"

    I had to leave something out for you guys to complement the list, right ;)? I am not sure, it could be both (it depends).

    "I wish you a happy new year, and I hope 2012 brings you spunkier than ever ahahaha..."

    Thanks, girl and I wish you the same. LOL LOL "spunkier" you kill me...

    Ana, thank you for a marvellous interaction in 2011; I hope 2012 will be even greater :D. Keep doing your thing!


  14. Hi Anna :D!

    "Max, you did great! Your thoughts in posts have been outstanding. And I don't know how you did it."

    Thank you *bowing*. LOL it's all part of the fun (and thus job), girl ;).

    "My dear friend, I am so honored to be part of your circle. I may not be that active anymore in blogging, but I am still around."

    The honour is all mine, believe me *bowing*! To me, you are always around - even in thoughts :D.

    "Wishing you lots of new information for the new year 2012, in addition to happy one, loving one, healthy one, and peaceful one too. All the best to yours and your family! Anna :) and Matthew with lots of hugs."

    From your lips to God's ears: may 2012 bring loads of interesting info so we can dissect it here at MAX :D. Thank you so much for your endearing wishes. All the best to you and yours as well, my darling friend!
    To Matthew: a huge hug and a kiss from Auntie Max :D.

    Anna, thank you ever so much for your friendship (I cherish with all my heart) and for our interaction :D.


  15. Salut Sérénité :D!

    "Il se passe tant de chose en une année, qu'il est difficile de faire le tour de ce monde..."

    Oui, c'est vraie.

    "Il me semble que la balance est plombée du côté de la souffrance et qu'il nous faudra beaucoup de force et de courage pour entrainer ce courrant du côté de la lumière."

    Ah, mais je crois que la lumière et les forces du bien prévalent toujours, n'importe quoi! Et pour cette raison lá, je choisis toujours la joie et jamais la souffrance...

    "Que 2012 vive...mieux encore, même si nous devons fracasser des idéaux passéistes."

    Bonne Année, ma chére! :D

    Sérénité, je te remercie notre interaction: c'est vraiment une bénédiction :D.

    Je t'embrasse

  16. Hi Lady A :D!

    "Nice photo. Can you believe the end (of the year) is here? Where did it go?"

    Thanks, I like it too (that's why I borrowed it) - Lisbon can produce such gorgeous sunsets...amazing.
    I could hardly believe it. The year went by so quickly...*nodding*...

    "It's been a whirlwind for sure. "Gaddafi expired," so colorful."

    True. Thank you *bowing*.

    "Agreed! Now they are trying to make film about it which will make them capitalists. Go figure."

    Oh really? So now they want to be part of the 1% movement? LOL *nodding*...

    "It will be a holy day when I don't have to hear that name again."

    LOL LOL LOL not a fan, eh? Kathy Griffin would agree and she blames Ryan Seacrest (I hope I got his name right)...

    "Max, I wish you a healthy and magnificent new year. May your thoughts gather the leaves of politics and examine them with a jeweler's eye. It is always a pleasure to read such profound words."

    My darling, thank you and I wish you a fabulous and successful year, my friend :D! lol lol loved that "gather the leaves of politics"...I will do my best, for sure :D.
    Thank you *bowing*!

    "Here's to a great 2012 and beyond!"

    Here's to a great 2012 and beyond *raising the glass of juice*!

    Lady A, thank you so much for your friendship and for a fabulous interaction :D.

    Cin Cin Cheers

  17. Hi Swu :D!

    "You are so right. Going, going gone! 2011 passes into the ages. I will miss it, of course, for many good things happened to us this year."

    Oh man! Did I miss you or what? I hope you have been all right, my friend.
    Indeed, good things happened in 2011 :D.

    "The next to the top of our good-things list is that our youngest daughter was married in Canada. It was a beautiful wedding, and the Canadian scenery was breathtaking. I am sad that she's gone, but she is happy, and that's a good thing."

    Congratulations!!! You must be so happy that she is happy :D! I wish your daughter all the happiness in the world and blessed be her marriage :D.

    "The top thing on our good-things list is that the Queen and I are still here. Yeah! I actually got to spend another year with the Queen of the Universe. How good is that? I tell you, life just keeps getting better and better."

    LOL LOL LOL I gather you speak of your Queen. It is excellent! I couldn't agree more: life does keep getting better and better :D.

    "Take care of yourself Max."

    Thanks, Swu...you too.

    Swu, thank you so much for this unexpected visit: loved it! I am happy for your happiness and bliss and I wish you a marvellous 2012 :D.


  18. Hi Rummy :D!

    "I personally and India in general have had a tumultuous year too. I have blogged about almost all the things that mattered."

    I know because I had the honour to read your fantastic blog posts: your humour is contagious.

    "I have enjoyed reading your posts and commenting on them. I have enjoyed your responses to my comments even more."

    Why, thank you *bowing*. lol lol I can't help it, like I said: your humour brings out the best in me :).

    "I look forward to continuing in the same vain."

    You can bet on it!

    "A very happy 2012 to you too."

    Happy 2012 to you too, my friend!

    Rummy, thank you so so much for our fabulous interaction :D.


  19. Max:

    You are wonderful. Thank you for the kind words.

  20. Swu,


    You are most welcome, my friend :D.


  21. Max,

    "Really? I didn't know that...pardon my ignorance, but what does it mean exactly?"

    If the neutrino thing sticks, then Einstein was wrong about relativity, which turns all of modernist cosmology on its head!

  22. Looney,

    "If the neutrino thing sticks, then Einstein was wrong about relativity, which turns all of modernist cosmology on its head!"

    I see. I think Einstein never claimed to have reached the absolute truth, therefore his theories are subject to refutation and perhaps the time has come for it to happen, right?


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