
Counter-Terrorism in West Africa: Who Will Step Forward to Get the Job Done?

Prince William's Middle East Visit: A Historic Inglorious Trip

Preview of the Meeting between President Trump and Portugal's President

Zimbabwe Elections: What Issues the Next Government Needs to Address?

Connecting Dots: Why The EU Insists on Remaining in the Iran Deal

Nicaragua Crisis: Will the Trump Administration Be Forced to Revisit History?

The Correlation Between Saddam's Iraq and Today's Iran: The Fall of Regimes

Jihadist Activity in Northern Mozambique: Why Is That?

The New Italian Government: Make Italy Great Again

The Steps in the US Middle East Policy Shift

Are Erdogan's Threats The Last Gasp of a Dying Bird? 4,3,2,1...

Cameroon Crisis: What Is Really Going on and What are the Motivations?

Iran, A Tale of Two States: North Korea and Portugal

US Embassy in Jerusalem Marks The Start of Real New World Order

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