
The India-US Relations: The Birth of a New Bloc

Following Lebanon: A National Security Interest

Iran Sidelined by Russia: Interpreting the Smoke Signal

Al-Shabaab Links in the USA

Trump Inaugural Speech: the Return of Power Politics

Obama's Foreign Policy: Desperate, Inept, Damaging

Eritrea and Isolation: Have we heard this song before?

Intelligence: Egypt Empowered?

Remember 2012? Possible Russia-US Cooperation Since Then

The Armageddon Will Make Strange Bedfellows

Saudi Arabia's Counterterrorism Image Problem Part 2: USA

A View of the Future: US Relations with the Gulf

Pakistan's Dilemma: the Taliban's New Leader & Washington's Pressure

Libya: An upcoming intervention in Africa?

Sudan and its Lobbying Efforts in Washington

Respectfully Critiquing Anti-Abortion Activism

Alliance Between Catholics & Jews, Email Server Chutzpah

An Attempt to Influence US CT Strategy?

US, Return of the Mack: Did We Get it Right or Wrong?

Iraq, Libya and Syria: Is General Michael Flynn Right?

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